Lara Biyuts:
Gleanings from fields of history and literature, summed up and sorted out, for the last several years, according to Author’s tastes, interests and bias. Two of the essays (which is Author’s view of the story of Hadrian and Antinous) are a part of the novel La Lune Blanche and its sequel. Essay about Nabokov’s queer brother, essay about one Russian philosopher whose queerness is obvious nowadays and which well may be my discovery; essay about Verrocchio’s David, which is a sort of a preface for my poem about Leonardo da Vinci; essay about ancient authors which is a setting for my poem about Emperor Elagabalus; essay about Baron Georges-Charles d’Anthès (whose descendants are many on Facebook, by the by, and one of them is my Facebook friend); essay about Oscar Wilde’s contemporary, aesthete and artist of the name of Marie Bashkirtseff, and finally essay about Oscar Wilde. |
ISBN: 9781409299011 |